Hack Club | ASW

Here is the ASW Hack Club mainpage. This is where you will be able to find information about new projects, and links to the peronsal web pages of the members created for Boba Drops! Soon there will be information regarding activities that we have completed, but for now, we are just going to include information about where you are able to learn about the other things that Hack Club offers.

👑 Landpirate's personal web page

🙃 Coder123Hy's personal web page

🥶 Vyris's personal web page

🌀 Aran Domguy's personal web page

❓ XShuck's personal web page

Some more really cool personal web pages soon...

You can look at toolbox.hackclub.com for what club leaders use to get ideas for workshops and activities. If you see anything interesting there that you want to try, ask your local Hack Club leader about it! The main page for Hack Club is, of course, hackclub.com if you want to look there.